Corporate Sponsors

RTYPN is funded in part by membership but mainly by the proceeds and donations of our valued sponsors. The companies provide financial support to help YPN maintain its operations and programs. Please support these great companies and organizations for being such great community partners.

YPN is specifically geared toward building and fostering a community of young professionals. We host many events throughout the year, from more intimate affairs of 50-100 people to larger events of 200-300 people.

YPN is uniquely situated to help you reach this desirable demographic in a direct and cost-effective manner, both online and in-person. Through our website ( and social media channels, we can help create buzz for your product, service, or company. At our events, you can interact with our members face-to-face and one-on-one, and can even complement this interaction with pre-event and post-event communications to event attendees.

Through YPN, you can reach young professionals:

Through Their Inbox

  •   Via bi- weekly Email blasts sent to over 1,200 subscribers
  •   Pre-event and Post-Event Communications **for event- specific sponsors**

On the Web

  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Banner Ads

In Person

  • Table/Booth Sponsorships
  • Food and Drink Sponsorships
  • Product Launches and Giveaways
  • Host your own event-within-an-event

For more information or to receive a copy of our Sponsorships Kit, please email us at and provide the name of your company or organization, your website URL, and a brief description of your marketing objectives. We look forward to working with you!