Steps in the 20u40 Process: Nomination through Nominee Acceptance

How to Make a Nomination

Recognizing exceptional young professionals begins with your nomination. It’s your opportunity to highlight individuals who are excelling in their careers and actively contributing to the community. To initiate the process, gather all the necessary details about your nominee and their accomplishments. Follow the provided guidelines to create a compelling nomination that truly showcases their achievements and impact:

Step 1: Craft a Nomination

Crafting an effective nomination requires attention to detail and a clear representation of the nominee’s excellence. Consider the following best practices to ensure your nominee stands out:

Professional Success (1000 characters or less): Provide facts and figures that highlight their major accomplishments, awards, and organizational impact.

Community Leadership (1000 characters or less): Detail how their actions improve the community’s quality of life, including their involvement in organizations.

Anonymity: Avoid mentioning the nominee’s name in the submission body, as judges don’t see nominees’ names.

Thoroughness: Research and gather information about the nominee’s community involvement, even if you’re not aware of all their contributions.

Use Data: Include data-driven achievements such as business growth, fundraising amounts, sales increases, or volunteer hours.

Be Concise: Present achievements in bullet points and be specific in your descriptions.

Include Awards: Mention both professional and non-professional awards received within the last decade.

Provide Facts: Judges rely solely on the information provided in the nomination for evaluation.

Step 2: Submit Your Nominee

Ready to nominate an exceptional young professional for the Twenty Under 40 Awards? Visit our Nomination Form to start the process. By following the provided guidelines and completing the form, you’ll help ensure that deserving individuals receive the recognition they deserve. There is a $15 fee for nominee submission. Find out more about the fee here.

Step 3: Wait for their Selection

After the nomination is submitted, the selection committee reviews all nominations. Those who are selected as finalists will be notified following the judges’ meeting. The list of finalists will be published as soon as all finalists confirm their commitment to the awards program.

Step 4: Come Party and Celebrate their Successes

Finalists (and nominators if you can attend 🙂) are expected to attend the Finalist Party, where they will be celebrated for their achievements. The culmination of this journey is the prestigious Awards Event held in January, where the 20 winners will be announced and honored for their exceptional contributions to both their professions and the community.

Recognize the outstanding young professionals in the Reno/Tahoe area who are making a significant impact. Make your nomination today, and together, let’s celebrate their achievements and inspire positive change in our community.