Colby Frey comes from a long line of Nevada farmers. In fact, Colby’s Great-Great Grandfather owned some of the first deeded property in Nevada. Colby’s heart has always been in farming, as a young boy he loved to move dirt with his toys and now as an adult, not much has changed. Colby (the single largest water/land owner in the Lahontan Valley) owns 1400 acres of contiguous farm ground in Churchill County and leases/farms another 1000. This dream came to fruition after graduating college. Seeing the problems young farmers face including high land costs and water issues, Colby wanted to create something that could sustain his family’s future in farming for the next 150 years and started Frey Ranch Estate Distillery where all of the primary ingredients for the spirits are grown on his farm. His proactive approach has allowed Colby, through crop rotation, to maximize his yields. He prides himself in utilizing grains and grapes grown on his own farm to create award winning products.In addition to owning Frey Ranch Estate Distillery, Colby also has a successful forage crop business, Frey Farm, LLC. His nutrient rich alfalfa is sold throughout Nevada and California. The Frey Family legacy is proudly shared every day, by Colby, through the award-winning spirits, where you can taste a quality that isn’t just made, but nurtured – from grain to greatness, from batch to bottle, From Ground to Glass™.