Becky Moser for FB and Web

What Do You Love About Your Business?
Working for the Ozmen Center has been a wonderful opportunity for me personally, but being exposed to all the resources that it cultivates for budding entrepreneurs has also changed the way I think professionally. I love that the Ozmen Center is such an open and creative technologically-equipped space. The concept of the Ozmen Center is perfect for the Nevada campus and I think it has great potential to be an unparalleled asset. Being a part of the Ozmen Team as a graduate student is quite a treat; the energy of everyone working there and the students we interact with on a daily basis is contagious. The projects I have been able to work on have been so fun and rewarding. Since it has only been open for a year, I have been able to help the team mold the Center into what it is intended to be. Our goal to make the Ozmen Center a unique place where students of all backgrounds and interests can experience interdisciplinary collaboration with peers from different colleges across the University of Nevada campus. I think the team has made significant progress in establishing the Ozmen Center in the entrepreneurship and campus communities and I am very honored to be a part of it.

What Do You Get Out of Being a Member of YPN?
I absolutely love the networking opportunities that being a member of RTYPN provides. I cannot speak highly enough of my experience over the last couple of years. I have met amazing people and the dynamic of the group is very motivating to be around as a budding young professional.

What is Your Favorite Special Event in the Region?
As a UNR alumni and current graduate student, I would have to say football games are my favorite special events in the region. Nevada vs. UNLV games are always the best at home!

If You Weren’t At Work Right Now, You’d Be …
Lost on a beach somewhere (that has cellular reception)!

Your Favorite Time of Day Is:

Because …
Well, besides the fact that Happy Hour comes in the evenings (wink, wink), I enjoy coming home after a long day of work and class to my love. Cooking dinner together has become one of my favorite activities and I appreciate having that time to reconnect before we begin preparations for the next day.

If You Could Take Anyone Out For a Cup of Coffee, Who Would It Be?
Khloé Kardashian (don’t judge me.)

I think she would be a very real person to spend an hour or two with. She has faced a lot in her life already and has prevailed. It can’t be easy to always have the spotlight on your life, but I think she has remained down to earth and a good example. I definitely consider her a role model and appreciate how open she has been with her fans about her mistakes and lessons she has learned from them. I think she would be a super cool chick to hang out with and get to know.

To You, Networking is About …
Building positive relationships with professionals in other industries that I may not otherwise have access to.

If You Could Fix One Problem in Our Community, What Would It Be?

How would you fix it?
I have no idea, but I think it’s a large problem that needs to be solved. Reno is such an up-and-coming city and having so much transient activity downtown taints the new image Reno is trying to achieve. It is also astounding to me that so many youth make up our homeless population. There has to be a way to get them taken care of so they can become contributing members of our society. I think it will take a lot of awareness, education, action, contribution and collaboration amongst community members in order for it to happen, but it is up to those who live in Reno and with the help of those who govern the city to make those changes.

If You Were a Wild Animal, Which One Would You Be and Why?
An elephant, mostly because I love them and have always had a fascination with them. When I was little I wanted a baby-sized elephant that would fit in the palm of my hands as a pet. I quickly learned there was no such thing, but I still want one! They are loyal and fiercely protective creatures but are otherwise peaceful being and I think I have those same characteristics.

If you had to choose a ‘walk out’ song, what would it be?
‘Rockstar 101’ by Rihanna