Meet YPN Member John Nichols
John is a market leader with Movement Mortgage. He joined YPN at the end of August!
Lets learn more ……..
1. How long have you been in the area?
I was born and raised here, growing up in the North Valleys.
2. What do you love about your business? I love helping people with the largest financial transaction many of them will ever make in their lifetime. Every loan is different with unique needs for the borrowers. The challenge of finding the solution that best fits their needs is something I enjoy!
3. If I weren’t at work right now, I’d be….
Working on a DIY project around the house, camping by a lake, or spending time with my horse.
4. To me, networking is about….
Building personal relationships. Once personal relationships are built, your referability increases for business. People like to work with those they know, like and trust. So get to know someone. Find out if you like them and build that relationship of trust. That’s what networking is about.
5. For new members- What do you want to get out of YPN?
I am looking to build relationships with others in my community at similar places in their personal and professional lives. As young professionals, we will have a lot to do with shaping this great community in the next couple of decades and I would love to get to know others who plan to do just that.
6. As young professionals in the area, we could enhance the community by …
Championing smart growth goals within the city and county. We have the opportunity to shape what Reno will be in the coming years. With that, getting involved will be paramount. As young professionals we can also enhance our community by finding a non-profit we care about and making a difference for them, joining the board, leading fundraisers, etc.
7. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Do cell phones count as necessities yet? I’d have a panic attack without mine.